Hello Scopists and Proofreaders!

Do you like being a scopist/proofreader, but it’s hard to find the time to market your services? Reach out to us at hello@proscopists.com

Do you know how to find jobs when business is slow … without overwhelming yourself when too many jobs come rolling in at once?

Would you like to be able to pick and choose daily what you want to do? Or would you perhaps enjoy taking some time off knowing that you’ll still have work precisely when you want it?

As working scopists and proofreaders with extensive backgrounds in marketing, we are in constant contact with scores of court reporters – some with very big jobs, some with smaller jobs; some needing a scopist daily, and some needing our services intermittently.

Introducing Professional Scopists & Expert Proofreaders, inc. ~ A central location (updated continually) which lists Case CATalyst, Eclipse and StenoCat reporters’ jobs for you to scope. Work as much as you like, make as much as you want. You make 90% of every job that we provide to you (send us 10%.) So all you need to do is sit back, relax and scope/proof.

When you are selected to join Court Reporting Scopists & Expert Proofreaders, Inc. you may pick up more work whenever you want it and you need never worry about alienating your reporters when you want time off.

Just think, all the jobs you want and no marketing!

If you would like to become part of the Court Reporting Scopists & Expert Proofreaders, Inc. Team, please e-mail us your resume with references. hello@proscopists.com